Home Loans
First Mortgage
- New purchase
- Low-rate loans to refinance existing first mortgage
- Get your up-to-date credit report at annualcreditreport.com/index.action.
Note: Income verification must be provided with the following application. If you have any questions, please contact our loan department at 610.791.2376 and select Option 2.
Note: AFCU finances 80% of home’s appraised value. Contact AFCU for more details.

Apply Now is Docusign to complete and submit by email. Download PDF is to complete and print.
Second Mortgage
- Home Improvement
- Education
- Consolidation
- Get your up-to-date credit report at annualcreditreport.com/index.action.
Note: Income verification must be provided with the following application. If you have any questions, please contact our loan department at 610.791.2376 and select Option 2.
Note: AFCU finances 80% of home’s appraised value. Contact AFCU for more details.

Apply Now is Docusign to complete and submit by email. Download PDF is to complete and print.
Home Equity Line of Credit
- Variable rate line of credit secured by Real Estate.
- What You Should Know About Home Equity Lines of Credit
- Get your up-to-date credit report at annualcreditreport.com/index.action.
Note: Income verification must be provided with the following application. If you have any questions, please contact our loan department at 610.791.2376 and select Option 2.
Note:AFCU finances 80% of home’s appraised value. Contact AFCU for more details.

Apply Now is Docusign to complete and submit by email. Download PDF is to complete and print.
Total unsecured up to $25,000.00 includes PSL, VRSLOC, SIGNATURE & MASTERCARD.